Let Him Go
To the Optimist,
Third times a charm, and you are now to imbark on your life’s greatest love. And you deserve to be so happy, in the city you love, with the people you love. You’re a wonderful, talented human and a selfless person. I sat with the thought tonight that we broke up over a year ago now. We celebrated all of our major holidays without each other. We both know, it wasn’t the same, and it was too soon for anyone else to be there alongside us. But you’re ready now, you’ve met her, and she surprises you. And makes you smile. And wants to go skiing with you and visit your parents on Sundays. And she’s fit and loves music, and art and plants and gardens. She likes to draw and create and is stubborn as she is utterly adorable. You deserve her baby, as we both hate to let it go, every chapter, every year. For you to have the chance to say, this is my girlfriend, and to protect her, to push her, to love her. It’s time for both of us. We haven’t been put back in each other’s path for a special reason. Maybe we will one day. Maybe we will not. You’re still the last man that I loved, called boyfriend, the last one I completely opened my heart to, my hurt to. My life will never be the same, but I will be happy eternally and grateful for you. Let yourself love again my love, she’s a special one.
Love Lauren 2.7.19